My days fluctuate in a sinusoidal manner,

sometimes a day with glistening green and brilliant blue is just out of my view.

Others I profess its beauty like it’s my country’s banner,
and being unable to bear the beauty seals my corpse with a screw.

Now this corpse knows life,

The arduous carpenter bee and the pop-up piano player playing with passion made sure of that.

So this corpse’s mockingbird sings selfishly

yet meets resistance for every instance bears a reminder of his existence.

Now he prefers several alibis, for regardless of how hard I try

my mockingbird still won’t fly

I know him as the intimidation of our interaction in a public situation

Yet he knows me so thoroughly when I’m free

Now being free is not nearly being me for
the moment he leaves is what I think free to be.
And I don’t know who that me will be but please
just let me see who I can become.

Categories: Poetry