I’m surrounded by visuals so I can’t hear a beat
I’m surrounded by individuals who know who they must be
And I can’t seem to hear the music that they see

This town is idyllic, but it won’t be a crutch
It won’t tell me what I must do
It only encourages me to pick up a brush

I have no skill, I can only use my words
But a whisper in my ear tells me there are more ways to be heard
A soft nudge to be in a state where I am not self-assured

My purpose becomes indisputable when I begin to slow down
I was created to marvel at this profound glory that surrounds
Riches will be gained when I sing of His renown


Rainey McBride is an Honors English major at the University of Georgia who is passionate about writing in a manner that explicates her thoughts and feelings on both the mundane and the extraordinary. Her hope is that she will provide a tangible depiction to the unseen of this world. 
Categories: Poetry